Plant Planning
Learn about seed varieties and their care for gardening and small scale cultivation needs.
Get inspired with garden design ideas and tips for growing when space is limited. Explore seed saving guides and more!
Seed Varieties

Browse the SEAD inventory of heirloom varieties. A wide range of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and herbs! Get sowing tips and learn about maintenance and care.
Garden Layout

Discover strategies and tips for planning your growing space. Learn about soil, light access, and what plants like best. Explore how to best collaborate with your plants and how to help them collaborate with each other
Seed Saving and Breeding

Breeding and saving seeds can help you ensure you keep getting the best qualities out of your harvests, you'll save money, you can share and exchange the seeds you save building community and ensuring a sustainable food future!
Species by Location

Heirloom plants are highly localized species and do best grown in the areas they are specially adapted. Explore best varieties based on where you grow.
Urban Gardening

Short on space? Learn about gardening in containers, on balconies, rooftops, indoors, vertical structures, and more.